Graeme Codrington Blogs on Inter-Generational Relationships

Graeme CodringtonGraeme Codrington, who’s thesis on inter-generational relationships is listed on the links here, is blogging in a couple of places worth checking out.

Graeme’s thoughts on the emerging church, 21st century technology and the role of young people in the future of the church can be found at Future Church Regeneration.

Graeme is blogging with a team of consultants at Tomorrow Today dot Biz. Living in Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, Graeme has around him a team in South Africa, USA and the UK. As consultants the company provides training frameworks:

Mind the Gap
Bright Young Things
Balancing Today & Tomorrow
Savvy Leadership
Innovation UnManagement
The Organisation of the Future
The World of Women
The Enneagram

Graeme was very popular with the Anglicans in Wellington back in the 1990s. I wonder if he’s ever spoken here in Australia?

Graeme’s book “Mind the Gap” was written with Sue Grant-Marshall, was published by Penguine Global in May 2005. The editorial blurb says:

“This book is for you if you want to know why your 18-year-old son isn’t interested in being a doctor – he wants to save the whales, or why your grandfather gives you Big Band CDs for your birthday. This book is also for you if your secretary knows more than you do or your grandson calls you Peter instead of granddad. In short, this book aims to promote understanding between the generations. This is vitally important in our most defining relationships-those between parents and children. We are so influenced by our parents that understanding them will help us to understand why they influence us – and, therefore, help us to better understand ourselves.

What can be learned from this book can be extended to all other relationships-with bosses, teachers, grandparents and so on. Once you understand their ‘generational’ behaviour, you’ll have a clearer picture of why they are like they are.

So, chuck the tranquillisers and read this book. Life will never be the same again”

Looks as though Graeme’s writing for Baby Boomers.

One Reply to “Graeme Codrington Blogs on Inter-Generational Relationships”

  1. Thanks for promoting my work. I am actually going to be in Sydney, Aus, from 8 to 13 October this year on business, and would be interested in meeting with anyone interested in meeting with me.

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