More to NRMA membership than ever before

NRMA, the Australian motoring and services company, launched a television and cinema ad campaign in 2007 to inform their members that their services were growing to include new partners. The ads, launched during the telecast of the 2007 NRL Grand Final, show a NRMA roadside assistant helping people with heavy lifting (local shop), carrying bags (travel), putting up tents (accommodation), packing bags (car rental), broken down vehicles, and swimming with dolphins at Sea World (entertainment).

NRMA Seaworld
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Tide puts stains back where they belong

Tide, the laundry detergent, was promoted in India as the product that puts stains back where they belong in this series of magazine advertisements. Post it glue was used to give the impression that lipstick, icecream and tomato sauce from a hotdog had stuck to the shirts of people on the opposite page. By the time the page was opened however the stains were back on the lipstick, icecream and hotdog.

Tide hotdog ad with glue

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