Friday – another day in Paradise with temperatures of 27 degrees Celsius. We’re looking at heading into the Queensland outback this weekend – just a short two day trip inland to St George and Cunnamulla. Ennis wants to experience driving for hours without seeing anyone – the ultimate introvert pasttime. She’s got some books on CD to play on the way, out of the local library.
Another find in the generations angle yesterday – material by Henk A. Becker of Utrecht University. Becker’s a sociologist looking at the impact of generational change, particularly in the area of digital technology. He’s published some of his material in the Club de Budapest in France.
Talked to our daughter Merrin (14) in Japan last night. She’s having a great time over there with her school group. She’s off to Hiroshima this weekend – has been busy making paper cranes. Lachlan (16) has had some friends over to stay – they’re busy making software and using others. Caitlin (8) is on her 3rd read through Lord of The Rings, and has breaks by playing Age of Empires II and visiting her friends. I had an SMS conversation with my younger brother yesterday in NZ – over theories on holes in the ozone layer.