Hell Pizza Competes with Godmarks

Pizza ads are spoofing God in Auckland this week. According to a report in AdNews Australia, Hell Pizza has launched an outdoor campaign spoofing the global phenomenon that is Godspeak, the portal proudly selling God.

Billboards and print ads from the global campaign, Godspeak, appeared in Auckland over the last six months. Godmarks, the New Zealand branch of Godspeak, featured ads that had their own sense of humour. “I love everyone. Even Christians. God.” “Every day I get more prayer for car parks than anything else. You people need to start thinking bigger. God.” One has “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t hate anyone who’s gay. Jesus”.

Now it’s the turn of national fast food franchise Hell Pizza to put up their billboards, some in the same places.

Instead of “I was just thinking about you’ – God” and “I miss how you used to talk to me when you were a kid” – God, Aucklanders are seeing, “I like the way you talk to me when you’re drunk” – The guy from Hell, and “How do you know He is listening? At least I deliver” – The guy from Hell.

The Hell Pizza web site opens with an invitation to choose a Hell Hole – a location in New Zealand where Hell Pizza operates. TV Spots feature a demon muttering curses as it eats pizza.

I’d be curious to hear how New Zealanders are responding to both campaigns…

4 Replies to “Hell Pizza Competes with Godmarks”

  1. Frankly I’m disgusted to see these supposedly “good people” spending $50,000 NZ on billboards instead of just donating it to World Vision etc… clearly they have no real concept of reality.

    As for the Hell people? I say good on ’em.

  2. “good people” have the freedom to choose where they invest their money, I think its digusting that more than half of New Zealanders are over weight or obese- eating unhealthy food suchas pizza is the leading cause for it-

  3. How can you be disgusted by people that are trying to get the message of God across?

    World Vision, while a very important foundation, can only improve people lot while here on earth. But we only have a finite life here. When we die, it’s for eternity.

    Would you rather, have a comfortable life for 70 years, or a life with God for eternity? I think it’s great what Godmarks are doing, they’re challenging the stereotypical view of God, that’s something that a price cannot be put on.

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