Noah’s Ark St Paul Travelers Insurance

The St Paul, property and liability insurance company previous to its merger with Travelers Insurance, added narrative to their byline, “Consider it done”, with the story of Noah’s ark in January 2003. We’re shown that Noah’s promise to collect a male and female of every species was not easy to keep.

Noah looks at his ark in St Paul commercial

Noah applies the last wooden nails to the ark to the accompaniment of stirring music. He runs back to take a look at the completed ark. Now it’s time to stock the ark. Noah carries in a young donkey, only to be kicked in thanks. He jumps out of trees to catch the two giraffes. As he drags animals up the ramp a waiting alligator lays its claim on dinner. Catching birds is no easy task. Eagles fly from tree to tree and ostriches take Noah for fast rides around the plains. Noah has to think hard when it comes to getting the elephants through the front door. When Noah finally catches a gecko by the tail, he’s left holding only the tail. To lure the beasts of prey into the ark, Noah runs around with legs of meat around his neck. Finally, as the rains start up, Noah’s resting in the ark. Without thinking he swats a mosquito on his neck. Faithful man that he is, he launches out into the storm to find its replacement. The super: “No one ever said keeping a promise was easy. One company works hard to come through. The St Paul.”. Click on the image below to play the Noah’s Ark video.


The St Paul Noah campaign was developed at Fallon, Minneapolis, by copywriter Allon Tatarka, art director Todd Riddle and agency producer Joe Grundhoefer.

Filming was directed by Craig Gillespie via MJZ, Los Angeles, with executive producer Lisa Rich, producer Brian Latt, director of photography Salvatore Totino.

Animation for St Paul Noah was carried out at Sight Effects, Venice, by animators Michael Capton, Kim Dail, Dariush Derakshani, Steven McClure and Jason Mortimer, and producer Jeff Blodgett.

The Noah’s Ark ad won an award for animation at the London International Advertising Awards, 2003.

Editing was done at Terminal by Jonathan Del Gatto.

Sound was designed by Tom Ozanich at Soundelux DMG, Los Angeles.

Music was scored at Elias Arts, Santa Monica.

St Paul Travelers was formed in 2004.

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