Educating Christians

On Friday May 27 the Queensland Mission Consultants team started the Educating Christians blog. Since that time Duncan Macleod and Graham Beattie have been joined by Ross Neville (NSW Synod), Craig Mitchell (South Australia Synod) and John Emmett (Kippax Uniting in Canberra).

The Educating Christians website is designed to collate factual information on a wide variety of resources for Christian education for lay people in Uniting Church congregations. Check it out at

Feel free to add your own comments on resources you have used.

What is a blog and how do I leave my comments?

A blog is a web log, an online journal, that allows for interaction from viewers. Each entry is kept in the archives of the blog, providing a valuable database of reflections and resources. Because the material is kept on a central server (computer), a team can share the same web site while working on different computers. Others can add their comments to any post by clicking on “x comments” at the bottom of an article. The Educating Christians blog is set up with If you have registered with Blogger you can use your sign-on name in the comments. Otherwise, choose ‘other’ to enter your name and web site if appropriate. Write your message and click publish. Go back to the original page, ‘refresh’ it and you will see your comment there.

End Result

At the moment the team is posting an average of one review a day, alongside occasional articles on principles of Christian education. Once all the resources (from Alpha to Yoga) have been reviewed, the reviews will be collated on a CD for congregations. We hope to include some samples on the CD.

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