Scotwise John Brown Blogging on Gold Coast

John Brown on the Gold CoastHad coffee with John Telfer Brown this morning. John’s the pastor of North Gold Coast Christian Church, an AOG church plant that meet at Helensvale State High School. We met through a shared interest in blogging and church planting.

John’s been a prolific blogger since the beginning of 2005. He publishes his first comments at 5 am most mornings. A lot of the blogging pastors I’ve come across are under the 40 year age group. This guy’s well over that age. He’s a native of Scotland and has the accent to prove it. He’s got a passion and wit to rival Billy Connolly any day. He makes a good coffee and tells a good yarn as well.

So what’s he blogging aboot? Daily Encouragement posted early in the morning: Devotions with stories, news commentary and prayer. Reflection on the lives and work of preachers such as George Whitefield. References to his favourite AFL team, St Kilda. And later in the day, a reflection or reference to other blogs of note. John’s managed to get his wife and a few of the leaders of the church to set up blogs as well.

I appreciated tapping into the wisdom of a veteran church planter. John’s not not too hung up on the size of the congregation. He has a passion for reaching members of his community and people all over the world. We’re from different parts of the theological spectrum – but we share a love for God and a passion for connecting with the Gold Coast in the name of Christ.

2 Replies to “Scotwise John Brown Blogging on Gold Coast”

  1. Hey Duncan, thanks for the plug, it’s all true, because I know you don’t tell lies! 🙂

    Seriously mate, I enjoyed our time together and the laughs!Even though ypu are a Post-Modernist and I am ancient! Looking forward to the next time!


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