Post Resurrection Words

Jesus said to his disciples:
If you love me, you will do as I command.
Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit
who will help you and always be with you.
The Spirit will show you what is true.
The people of this world cannot accept the Spirit,
because they don’t see or know him.
But you know the Spirit,
who is with you and will keep on living in you.
I won’t leave you like orphans.
I will come back to you.
In a little while the people of this world
won’t be able to see me, but you will see me.
And because I live, you will live.
Then you will know
that I am one with the Father.
You will know that you are one with me,
and I am one with you.
If you love me, you will do what I have said,
and my Father will love you.
I will also love you and show you what I am like.

John 14:15-21 (Contemporary English Version)

Gospel Notes

So did Jesus actually say all this? A large number of Biblical scholars are of the opinion that post-resurrection sayings of Jesus can not be attributed to the historical Jesus. These are the words of the post-Easter Christ rather than the actual Jesus. The Jesus Seminar takes this assumption and provides some kind of system for discounting these words as historical.

I believe it is valid to point out that our approach to historical record is different to the first century approach to history. However the assertion that we cannot rely on any post-resurrection words is based on an objection to the premise of a physical resurrection. “Because Jesus was dead he cannot have said these words”.

My take on this reading is that it’s a collection of sayings rather than a narrative.

So what’s the good news here? For me? For my neighbours?

Jesus is inviting his followers to move beyond a linear empirical approach to understanding God’s presence. “You’ll be able to see me but not in the way you’re used to.” He’s getting them used to the idea that God’s guiding presence will be available 24/7 no matter where they are.

Again and again Jesus’ words speak of relationship with God, available to his followers. 2000 years later I’m still able to access the presence of Jesus through the Spirit of God. Even though I don’t speak the language that Jesus did (Aramaic & maybe Greek) I’m able to be in conversation with God, the creator whose presence infuses every part of creation.

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