Sam Kekovich rants on lamb for Australia Day

It’s coming up to Australia Day – January 26 – an opportunity mined by Meat and Livestock Australia. Sam Kekovich, an ex football player, gives us a 60 second rant on how eating lamb is the patriotic thing to do.

Sam Kekovich says We Love Our Lamb in front of Australian flag

It’s a bit of a laugh of course. Which becomes obvious as Kekovich slings off at ‘soap-avoiding, pot smoking hippy vegetarians’. And then there’s the shot at long-haired dole bludging types indulging their pierced taste buds in all manner of exotic, foreign, often vegetarian cuisine – chicken burger value meals, pizzas, a number 42 with rice.

“It’s an absolute disgrace, and people ask why we need capital punishment.”

Click on the image below to play the video.

The ad’s certainly got people talking. I heard a few comments on talkback radio this week – as vegetarians and meat eaters responded with chagrin or with humour.

The Advertising Standards Bureau has had a small number of complaints about vilification against vegetarians but has decided to leave the ad on air until next Wednesday.

It’s all online of course. See the 60 second and 90 second versions at Meat and Livestock Australia.


Advertising agency BMF created the campaign, with executive creative director Warren Brown, art director Dale McGuinness, copywriter Dennis Koutoulogenis and Producer Tamyson Power.

Filming was shot by director Phil Rich via Two Feet Films.

Post Scripts

“UnAustralian” won a Bronze Lion at the Cannes 2005 Advertising Festival.

Damian Davis in his January 27 2005 article at Crikey points out he and Nick Price developed the creative concept behind Sam’s rant back in the days of ABC’s The Fat editorials. Every script in The Fat finished with the line, “You know it makes sense”. The material was published on CD and in a book.

See the Sam Kekovich rant provided for the BMF Christmas card to its clients – written up here at Duncan’s TV Adland.

Sam’s back on TV screens in January 2006 with a repeat of the Australian lamb campaign.

Click on the image below to play the video.

34 Replies to “Sam Kekovich rants on lamb for Australia Day”

  1. With all those animals being killed… it sure will be a “bloody” Australia Day. May Sam Kekovitch die from the inevitable coronary/pulmonary disease he so richly deserves. Along with the rest of you meat-eating, violence tolerating idiots.

  2. Sam’s paraphrased riposte to the above poster: “You effin’ wanker!”

    No doubt you’re one of the ill-informed, nancy CSIRO bashers, too…

  3. Dont put meat-eating people and violence toleraters in the same category. Sure I eat meat, but I didn’t kill the animal.

  4. I love the ad! and i love the fact that most of us (meat-eating Australians) can have a laugh at ourselves. In this day and age everything is taken so seriously and there’s no fun in that. For those that don’t like the ad or can’t even have a laugh at it then maybe they are unAustralian, because a true blue Aussie would be supporting the lamb industry!

  5. For those who are having a bitch lighten up a bit!!! The whole concept of the ad is to take the piss … geeze, its something Australians were proud of being able to do! I think its something we have lost along the way abit and are taking too many things way too seriously. For gods sake, have a laugh and stop bitching !

  6. Yep…we have the lost the way lately with all the political correctness….may taking the piss return to the mantle it deserves.
    By the way our ancestors didn’t fight to get us to the top of the food chain just to eat vegetables!

  7. To who ever posted this

    Dont put meat-eating people and violence toleraters in the same category. Sure I eat meat, but I didn’t kill the animal.

    I think that you just proved you are violence tolerating by admitting that you are perfectly happy to eat an animal that you know was killed violently by some one else.

    I just wish all those gutless meat eaters were forced to do their own dirty work and kill the animals themselves. Then maybe their would be more vegans and less idiots who actually like this pathetic add.

  8. Disgusting.
    I see no humour in this add, the same as I see no humour in the cruel & callous deaths of 1000’s of sentient beings purely for the sake of your taste buds & your gluttony.
    I hope Mr Kekovitch chokes on his lamb on Australia day.

  9. “gutless meat eaters”?? get farked! do you think any other animal in the animal kingdom give a fat rats killing their prey? didnt think so. its scientifically proven that you need to have various meats in your diet because naturally your body needs certain nutrients from them. so infact, you vegans are doing what isn’t natural, by not eating meat.

    man has managed to survive from this. do you think in 200,000 BC they pulled up the drive-thru window? no, they hunted for their food, although these days we do it in a much more humane manner, a quick bullet between the eyes.

    to recap, without the nutrients that meat provides you tend to go a little funny in the head. maybe this is why most vegans are airheads… this could be why those hippies have health issues such as bad skin pigments, light-headedness… blah blah blah

    so be Australian! eat lamb, ask for seconds and enjoy life!

    (take that greenpeace lol)

  10. To all those who deplore how we’re apparently murdering thousands of innocent animals to ‘feed our tastebuds’ , etc well I do hope that you’ll enjoy raping the once fertile soil with chemicals and pesticides to satisfy your pretentious and frankly ignorant fixation on making sure that those fluffy sheep and cute chickens don’t get their necks snapped. Because remember if you deplore the murder of animnals, you’ll be perfectly fine with us not using them to make *natural* fertiliser and using man made chemicals.

    A little history lesson. The Communist Czech pumped their farmland with artifical fertiliser and chemicals and did away with the natural stuff. Guess what? The avergage Czech and Slovak today has more over-dangerous-levels chemicals and metals inside of him than quite frankly is sane. I do hope you’re looking forward to that future veggie brigade.

    Oh yeah and another thing. I think we better picket the game reserves in Africa because theres alot of Lions, Tigers, Hyenas and Cheetahs ‘murdering’ alot of Gazelles out there! Quick! Hurry! Before it’s too late 😛

    As I said, pretentious and ignorant of the way the real world and nature works.

  11. “I just wish all those gutless meat eaters were forced to do their own dirty work and kill the animals themselves.”

    I for one grew up on a farm and have helped slaughter our own sheep, and I must say that I have never eaten a better roast or leaner mince meat since. But not for lack of trying.

    Pfft, killing makes you a vegeterian indeed.

  12. Pudduh…..there are natural fertilizers out there that don’t use dead animals in them, i for one, make my own, so how about a little research next time??

  13. Funny how the pro vegan use annonymous and call the pro broadbased diet gutless.
    I went to an abitoir in year 8 and every time I eat meat I always remember that day and what I saw. I always eat all the meat that is served to me.
    I saw beasts shot in the back of the head and die instantly,not being chased to exhaustion,brought down and torn apart whilst still alive.
    I also remember seeing the fear in the eyes of the animals in queue outside the door. They know what was coming.
    I remember them all every time I eat meat.
    I eat meat and that’s how I remember so well.
    I don’t shave my arms becuase I’m a bloke. I don’t kiss blokes and I don’t kiss arse.
    I care about everything,even plants..the same plants that emit their own screameven when picked or cut by some hairy legged tree hugging single lesbian who was too ugly for anyone.

  14. This ad is great. I come off a property and i used to kill hunderds of animals a week and then sell them to the abbatoirs. What is the problem? its part of the life cycle that we do this so you ‘greenies’ can have your freaking big mac burgers but refuse to accept the fact that someone has to kill these animals. THAT IS WHY THERE PUT HERE!!!! There should be more ads like this one by Sam. Good on ya.

  15. I think its a ripper of an ad. Extremely well executed and bloody halarious.

    I could add more fuel to the fire in rebuttal of the vegans, but I think the point has been made succinctly. The ad is damn funny, lets laugh and move on.

  16. It’s a bloody beautiful ad! but something happened to this country and we’re starting to lose our humour. This is what Australia should be about; we’re one of the few nations in the world who can laugh at themselves and it doesnt matter if you eat meat or not, the ad aint really about lamb although thats the slogan. It’s about easing up a bit and having a good farking laugh. And listen all of you vegetarians, i dont care that you don’t eat meat, but just because someone is having a laugh it doesn’t mean you need to get up on your horse and start waving your bible around. we all can have a laugh at ourselves. why the hell can’t you tight arses do that same, and you wonder why people make jokes about you. if you can’t take a joke then go and dig yourself a hole. I mean honestly if life’s that hard just go and hide hey.

  17. look guys your taking this WAY to seriously…
    this ad is about being australian. I have alot of vegetarian friends they don’t try to force their views on me I EAT MEAT!!! okay i like meat humans have always eaten meat. Sam Kekovich is just showing us the aussie way of life. When you have a barbeque you eat meat. Vege burgers are not the real thing. You people need to lighten up its a way of life and we’ve been doing it for years.

    it’s just an ad

  18. “This ad is great. I come off a property and i used to kill hunderds of animals a week and then sell them to the abbatoirs. What is the problem? its part of the life cycle that we do this so you ‘greenies’ can have your freaking big mac burgers but refuse to accept the fact that someone has to kill these animals. THAT IS WHY THERE PUT HERE!!!! There should be more ads like this one by Sam. Good on ya.”

    Are you retarded?

    Also, although it’s true that vegans can lack required nutrients (such as b12), Vegetarians can gain everything they need. I don’t find this ad funny, just as a meat eater portrayed as violent murderer or a beer drinker portrayed as an alcolholic rapist in a comedic context would not find the advert funny.

  19. Well said Ben. I’m an Aussie and I’m a vegan, Being a vegan doesn’t make me less Australian.
    If the ad Said “Eat BBQ Chicken on Australia Day” Will you be saying how aussie eating bbq chicken is?
    Anyway it’s an ad. You don’t need to consume/eat certain things to be an aussie.
    Enjoy your day off, have a good night on Thursday night and sleep in on Friday.

    Happy Australia Day

  20. What’s all the fuss. Lambs are made of meat. I eat meat. So I eat lamb. If lambs were made of tofu I wouldn’t eat them. It’s not my fault lambs are not made of tofu. Besides being vegetarian adles the brain, which of course is proved by the psycho postings of vegetarians above. My friend eats vegetarian chicken soup. He always insists that the chicken was a vegetarian.

  21. He is the best Australian in the world. If u hate him or his adds you should just leave now. Those adds should be shown every minute of the day. There are too many immigrants in Australia and it is terning Australia unAustralia and i don’t like it.

  22. NOT eating lamb on Australia Day is the way to go. Whoever posted awhile ago saying that vegetables are full of chemicals after being sprayed has clearly not heard of organic veggies. Do you really think that the meat you’re eating isn’t full of chemicals? They’re pumped full of them, go and do some research before you come on here. Also plants do not have a central nervous system, therefore do not feel pain the same as you and I and animals do. I’ve also been to an abbatoir and the deaths aren’t quick and painless. Every so often a stun gun would miss its mark and the animal would not be properly shocked. Go eat you lamb, I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone so ignorant.

  23. Oh sorry, i forgot to mention that Trevor Hunt, a so called ‘proud Australian’, sounds like a retarded racist ignorant meat eating twat.

  24. Gary Says:
    October 23rd, 2007 at 10:30 am
    is a genius lol all vegetables LIKE lamb are organic,and an earlier remark about eating “big mac”‘ who said they were meat?its an add it isn’t brain surgery,and it may not be very political correct but geez get a life laugh a little it won’t hurt you. this is australia not the middle east we are allowed to have a laugh without suffering a death sentence

  25. Oh sorry, i forgot to mention that Trevor Hunt, a so called ‘proud Australian’, sounds like a retarded racist ignorant meat eating twat.

    to jessie re above comment
    answer me this.
    A) why is it always a racism issue. tell me why its only whites that can be racist
    B)humans are omnivores, we have to eat meat as well as plants. so wake up to yourself. its because of politically correct, feral, do-gooders like you that this country is becoming absolutely pansy’ish. bring on lamb and bring back how OZ used to be.

  26. i was raised in an alternate household, child of an australian and an immigrant. at 12yo i made the choice to be vegetarian. i remained so for 12 years. i am a supporter of sustainable organic farming of animals and vegies/fruit/grains etc. last year i started eating meat, first begining with fish. since then i have learned to grow my own food, vegies and animals and i butcher these animals MYSELF, humanely and without the hypocrisy many meat eaters perpetrate. i understand that these ad’s are full-on but they are a joke and if people cannot laugh i feel immensly sorry for their lack tolerance. so to all those out there with their knickers in a knot, whichever side of the argument: chill out have a laugh, stop being so judgemental. we all make some kind of impact on this earth, none of us are perfect so get your head out of your arses! love from both sides! ps i like the ads and love being aussie.

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