Send In The Reinforcements

Jesus went to every town and village. He taught in their meeting places and preached the good news about God’s kingdom. Jesus also healed every kind of disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them. They were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “A large crop is in the fields, but there are only a few workers. Ask the Lord in charge of the harvest to send out workers to bring it in.”

Matthew 9: 35 – 10:4 (CEV)

Gospel Notes

I had a look at Upper Coomera a couple of weeks ago. It’s on the north Gold Coast. I had quarter of an hour before my car pool partner was due. Upper Coomera is a brand new suburb. Two years ago it was a small suburb in a rural area. And now it’s almost a city in size. The local state college (grade 1 to 10) has grown from no students to 1800 students over two years. The Anglican, Catholic and Anglican Catholic colleges are growing strongly.

I notice that Jesus taught in the meeting places in the towns he visited. In the Greek, it’s “synagogues” – places of prayer and teaching for the Jewish people. So where are the meeting places for people interested in spirituality in Upper Coomera?

There are very few public buildings in these new suburbs. The most prominent building in Upper Coomera, right next to the early childhood centre, is The Lost City – a tavern, restaurant and bottle store. Likewise in Pacific Pines the most frequented meeting place is the Pacific Pines Tavern. They do a very good bistro.

The reality faced by these places is that most people have little time for socialising. Many jobs demand 60 hours a week. A lot of people commute an hour or two a day. We have fragmented communities in which neighbours rarely speak to one another.

Ray Oldenburg, author of The Great Good Place*, tells us that we need to create time and space for relaxation and true fellowship. We need alternatives to home and work (1st and 2nd place). We need to help create the Third Place (not Playstation) where we can meet on neutral ground. We need places that are accessible, modest, playful, and small scaled. Cafes, bars, libraries, gymnasiums. Places where we can meet regularly with regulars.

I read where Jesus looks at the crowds. Usually I’ve assumed that he’s looking at crowds that have gathered around to listen to him. But what if he’s looking at crowds in the same way as I see crowds in Upper Coomera and Pacific Pines. People who don’t even know he’s there, let alone who he is. Where to start? He needs a team. There is no shortage of people. But there’s a shortage of community. A shortage of community leadership. And Jesus needs a team to help bring good news to this place.

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