Toyota Hilux Bulls On the Run

New Zealand and Australia embraced the Toyota Hilux Bugger ads back in the 1990s. Now New Zealand is saying yes to the Toyota Hilux Bulls on the Run ad. TV One‘s Fair Go 18th Annual Ad Awards were held earlier this month. Viewers gave more votes to the Toyota Hilux ad than for the other four finalists combined. The other four were Telecom ‘Cat and Dog’, TV One ‘Ten Fingers and Toes’, Vero Insurance ‘Bull in China Shop’, and Telecom ‘Fast Eddie’.

Hilux Bulls

I wonder if people have caught on to the insider joke on this one. The production team have called this spot ‘Toyota Hilux Bulls Hit”. Take out the space between ‘Bulls’ and ‘Hit’ and you get the next instalment on the furore over the use of the word, ‘Bugger’.

I’ve written up the ad and where to find it online at Duncan’s TV Ad land.

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