More Advertisements at Duncans TV

I’ve posted a few more television commercials at Duncan’s TV Adland over the week. Usage of the TV Ad land site is climbing, with an average of 900 distinct visitors a day. I’ve added a search facility through Google Adsense, which is much more reliable than the search facility provided by Blogger at the top of the page.

Finnair Reindeer Poro
I saw this ad on Fox TV while staying in a motel in Hervey Bay last weekend. Several times. But it’s got a nice feel to it.

Tupperzik Three Music
One of the kids showed me this a month or so ago. It’s a classic case of “Asian Cool” – the pop culture adaptation of Japanese and Chinese media.

Pepsi Samba Dancing Legs
It’s coming up to summer in Australia – the best time to launch a new drink. Which is why Pepsi is trying out “Samba” downunder.

Bigpond Beach Holiday
I had an email from the director of this video clip, with an mp4 version of the clip. He thought I might be interested. Indeed I was. I’d always wondered where it was filmed as it reminded me of the beach and road right next to the airport in Wellington. It turns out it was filmed in St Maarten in the Carribean.

Mr Kipling Nativity Play
This ad popped up on the Youth Multimedia Discussion List (Yahoo). I had the challenge of tracking it down to a decent quality version. The protest against this spot in the UK reminds me a bit of protests against Monty Python’s Life of Brian. It’s having fun with the genre of nativity play, not with the person of Jesus.

Mentos Sheep
As an ex-shepherd I like the concept of sheep who are inspired to give the dogs a taste of their own medicine.

Virgin Blue
I had friends fly over from New Zealand to visit Queensland this month. I thought it was an appropriate time to write up the adverts that say, “If only you got Virgin Blue service everywhere”. Though the funny thing is that Virgin Blue’s service, while being friendly and informal, is not always smart. I remember being on a plane where a client bought a set of earphones from the stewardess. Minutes later the stewardess was called back and asked where the earphone jacks were. “This plane doesn’t have that service sir.” “Then why did you sell me the earphones?” “I thought you might want to use them on another flight sir.”

I’m sick of bogus email spam trying to sell me Viagra. Much more interesting would be the television advertising campaigns that subtly and humorously introduce the product.

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