Getup Help Protect Australia From Emotional Terrorism

Another Getup! response to Government advertising in Australia. This ad was developed to respond to the “Help Protect Australia From Terrorism” advertising campaign launched in 2004 and reactivated in 2006. “Small pieces of disinformation help keep Australians scared of terrorism. Politicians are working hard but you could help them complete the picture. If you see anything mundane call talk back radio and help escalate fear and anger. Trained sensationalists take every call seriously and you can remain anonymous. Authorised by Cregan, Justice, Garratt Melbourne. The tagline, “Help protect Australia from Emotional Terrorism”.

Getup! Australia Emotional Terrorism

Click on the image below to play the video.

The ad was written by Stephen Justice, filmed by director Clea Cregan and produced by Josh Garratt, and entered in the Oz in 30 Seconds competition run by GetUp.

Getup! is calling for leadership from Australian politicians that will protect civil liberties and security, not cynical political reactions based on opinion polls. The progressive political movement explains that they expect a trusted counter-terrorism system that responds to legitimate threats, not imagined or political ones. They expect the Australian government to protect Australians from terrorism while maintaining the integrity of their legal system and their valued rights and freedoms.

See also the Help Protect Australia from Howardism ad on YouTube.

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