McDonalds Lighter Choices Animated

McDonalds Australia has launched an anime-inspired television advertising campaign, promoting the Lighter Choices menu. The television spots, 30 seconds and 60 seconds, were launched on May 7, promoting the low-calory options of Lite muffins, Deli Choices, salads, Lean Beef Burger, raisin toast, yoghurt and muesli, and water.

McDonalds Lighter Choices animated figures

Red and yellow butterflies float in the breeze, settling on stalks of wheat. Deli Choice filled rolls waft out of the wheat. Apple blossom bursts open to release little Thumbelina-like figures as muffins float by in the background. A Fruit Smoothie plane flies past a raisin toast bicycle. A flotilla of green salads is connected to a floating island on which a red and yellow figure fishes. A frog is swept into the air by its lean beef burger kite. The scene morphs through into a purple pond featuring lilies with yoghurt and muesli in their centres. Lighter Choices menu items float into the night sky in bubbles. The ad finishes with a McDonalds Golden Arches logo encapsulated in a bubble, with the tag line, “Lighter Choices”.


The McDonalds Lighter Choices campaign was developed at Leo Burnett-australia, Sydney, by copywriter Stephen Coll, creative director Mark Collis, art director Kieran Antill, agency producer Adrian Shapiro, account directors Vicky Norton and Georgia O’Brien.

Animation and post production was developed at Fat Ltd, Auckland and Wellington, by director Christian Greet and producer Marko Klijn. Ironic isn’t it, that Fat is behind the low-fat campaign.

Fat Animation has recently been wound up. Marko Klijn from Fat has formed Cirkus. Andrew McGee, Paul Densem and Ned Wenlock have formed Teaspoon Films.

Sound and music was engineered at Nylon Studios.

Media was arranged by OMD.

One Reply to “McDonalds Lighter Choices Animated”

  1. Hi there, What’s the actual name of the song that plays through the commercial? Is it avalaible to download?
    Thanks Alot

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