World Refugee Day Keeping the Flame of Hope Alive

Today, June 20, has been named World Refugee Day by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) office. The theme this year is Keeping the Flame of Hope Alive.

The UNHCR Web Site has the following appeal:

Throughout their long and daunting journey from oppression and persecution to asylum and protection, and eventually to a place they can call home, refugees show incredible strength, courage and determination. Their journey is a dangerous and arduous one and every day spent in exile is a day too long.

But in every step of their journey refugees carry with them an unshakable, unrelenting hope. By hanging on to their hopes for basic survival, sustenance and protection, and for the chance to one day rebuild their lives, refugees defy all odds. As the UN Refugee Agency we continue to be impressed by the tenacious hopefulness of refugees which, in turn, motivates us to leave no stone unturned in the fulfillment of our mandate, to protect them and to find durable solutions to their plight.

On World Refugee Day, we ask you to remember the millions of refugees under our care who are trying to pick up the pieces of once-peaceful lives. As different as they are from each other, one thing connects them all: hope for a better future and a chance to restore lasting peace to their lives.

Latest Statistics: 20.8 million

Latest statistics indicate that of the 20.8 million people of concern:

  • 8.4 million are refugees who have fled their countries due to civil wars and ethnic, tribal and religious violence and who cannot return home
  • 6.6 million are internally displaced persons – people forced to flee their homes, but who have not crossed a border
  • 2.4 million are stateless people
  • 1.6 million are returnees
  • 773,000 are asylum seekers
  • 960,000 are others of concern

Brisbane Candelight Ceremony

In Brisbane there’s an interfaith candelight ceremony being held on Friday night, June 23, to mark the World Refugee Day. It is beginning at South Bank Forecourt at 5 pm and processing to the Nepalese Pagoda. Candles will be provided. All are welcome.
The ceremony is co-sponsored by Believing Women for a Culture of Peace, the Multi-Faith Centre of Griffith University, and the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.

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