Pepsi Reverence for Roberto Carlos

Pepsi leaped into the build up to the FIFA World Cup in 2002 with a spot featuring Roberto Carlos, soccer player with Brazil and Club Madrid. The television advertisement, known by its creators as ‘Reverence’, and promoted through the world as “Greetings”, was released first in Brazil in March 2002. It provided a humorous play on the politeness found in Japan and Korea, the hosts of the World Cup.

Boy bows with reverence in Pepsi TV Ad

As Roberto Carlos walks through an airport he comes across a young fan seeking an autograph. He happily provides his signature and hands it over to the boy, who responds by offering a bottle of Pepsi in turn. Carlos takes a swig from the Pepsi bottle and hands it back. The boy bows, prompting a bow in return from Carlos. The next scene shows Carlos on the field. As he skillfully prepares the ball for its trip to the net, he is tripped by the opposition. The ref awards a penalty. In preparing for a penalty shot. Remembering the boy’s polite bow, he bows his head to the defending team. They bow in turn, only to be surprised by the prompt kick from Carlos. The goalie is not happy!


The Pepsi Reverence campaign was developed at Almap BBDO, São Paulo, by creative director Marcello Serpa, copywriters Tales Bahu and Roberto Pereira, art directors Luiz Sanches and Rodrigo de Almeida, and agency producer Egisto Betti, media planner Myrna Louro, and account director Ricardo Tounay working with Pepsi marketing officer Antonio Lucio.

Filming was shot by director Andrucha Waddington via Conspiracao, São Paulo, with director of photography Ricardo de la Rosa.

Pepsi Reverence won a gold medal for non-alcoholic drinks advertising in the 35th Prêmio Colunistas Brasil.

Opposition players bow as the ball goes flying over their head

Portuguese Press Release from AlmapBBDO

E da AlmapBBDO a novo filme internacional com que a PesiCo da início, esta semana, a estratégia global para a Copa do Mundo de futebol, lançando também as ações da marca simultaneamente nos 200 países em que atua.

No filme ‘Reverência”, de 30 “, – que foi ao ar no Brasil no dia 17/3 e sera veiculado em varios países durante a Copa do Mundo do Japão e Coréia – o astro é o joador brasileiro Roberto Carlos, lateral esquerdo do Real Madrid.

Nele, Roberto Carlos marca um golaço vencendo a barreira adversária com seu chute poderoso e uma “estratégia” inusitada: a educada reverência, cumprimento característico dos japoneses.

O roteiro do comercial – veiculado no mercado internacional com o título “Greetings” – une a arte do futebol ao humor sutil e a irreverência. A assinatura do filme é “Pepsi. Eu quero é mais” (“Ask for More”).

O filme foi criado por Luiz Sanches, Roberto Pereira, Tales Bahu e Rodrigo de Almeida, com direção de criação de Marcello Serpa e dirigido pelo Andrucha Waddington, da Conspiração Filmes.

Este é o terceiro filme da AlmapBBDO escolhido pelo pool internacional de Pepsi. O primeiro foi “Time Pepsi”, em 1999, e o segundo, “Beckham”, em 2001.

Goalie winces by the words, translated Dare For More

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