Jesus and Fidel Castro Consult McCann Advertising

McCann Erickson promoted their advertising services in 2004 with a couple of prints, musing on how they would have got it right if Jesus or Fidel Castro had been their clients. The line at the bottom of the print is “McCann. You won’t be sorry you listened to us.”

Jesus as a client of McCann Erickson advertising

Fidel Castro as a client of McCann Erickson Advertising

Castro is presented with a cigar as the symbol for his new Cuba. It’s fascinating how Jesus is portrayed as a very white actor with long hair – probably linked with the statues found in many churches. It raises the question, of course, about why the cross is so distinctive. At the time of his death, having an instrument of public execution would not have been seen as a great choice for icon.


The campaign was developed at McCann-Erickson Belgium, Hoeilaart, by creative director Jean-Luc Walraff, copywriter Philippe Thito, art director Sophie Norman, and photographer Oscar Seykens. The ‘Jesus’ photo was a finalist in the Epica Awards 2004, in the Business to Business Professional Services section.

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