Anorexia Bulimia Contact in the Mirror

Anorexi Bulimi Kontakt, a support agency for those facing anorexia and bulimia in Sweden, has reached out to people with disorders in The Mirror, a TV ad. A woman stands in her underwear looking at herself in the wardrobe mirror in her bedroom, apparently concerned about being overweight and fat. The camera pulls back to show that she has a distorted view of her body.

Anorexia Bulimia Contact TV ad - Mirror

Click on the image below to play the video.


The Mirror spot was developed at Grey, Stockholm by creative director Martin Stadhammar. Client service director was Sigrun Yngvadottir, TCB, Stockholm.

Filming was shot by Oskar Bård via Hobbyfilm, Stockholm.

7 Replies to “Anorexia Bulimia Contact in the Mirror”

  1. mir es mejor que trtes de cambiar tu aspecto no te ves bien como estas perdona si te ofendo pero puedes lograr salir adelante con tu problema ,no te jusgo por que todos tenemos problemas de ese tipo ,no estamos conformes a nuestra imagen bay que estes bien ademas te doy un consejo te ves bien como estas en el espejo no lo vallas a cambiar

  2. God loves you dont forget he loves you just how you are. And besides you look great in that picture from the mirror not all skinny and sad. You can produce a real smile.

  3. People fail to realize that just telling someone with a problem that they or pretty or that Some one loves them wont change their opinion of themselves.

  4. hello i love this ad, its powerful and so true, could you please please please tell me what the song playing in its name is? its very important for me and i would thank you so much

  5. You know, she looks beautiful in the mirror. I’m about the same size as her. That’s not fat at all, thanks. That’s an average weight. Her anorexia hurt the beauty she so desperately wants to see.

  6. Hello. I am writing you to ask permission to use your image of the anorexic girl looking in a mirror on a video for my school’s media class in a video about body image. The video may be shown on our local news station channel if chosen. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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